Hello, and welcome to the third episode of “Hacking the Org”, the podcast from the “WTF is Cloud Native team?” here at Container Solutions. I’m Charles Humble Container Solutions Editor in Chief, and for this episode, I’m joined by Manuel Pais. Manuel is an independent IT organisational consultant and trainer focused on team interactions, delivery practices, and accelerating flow. He’s also a LinkedIn instructor on continuous delivery, but is perhaps best known as the co-author of the book Team Topologies alongside Matthew Skelton.

  • He has been interviewed on national and local television and NPR stations throughout the country and has been featured in most major newspapers.
  • Virtual meetings have become part of everyone’s new reality.
  • Today’s episode addresses some of these considerations and offers helpful suggestions.
  • I’m so glad to have you here in the studio with us.
  • However, the responsibility belongs to all of us.

This has added urgency to efforts to bolster Black students’ access to higher education. It’s a pivotal moment for UNCF, founded at the end of WWII as the United Negro College Fund. The organization supports historically Black colleges and universities . President and CEO, Dr. Michael Lomax, discusses the role of HBCUs in fostering economic opportunity and civic engagement and how changes in philanthropic activity and public policy can make a difference. For some families online learning is a rocky road.

Speaking the language of skills

Left unaddressed, burnout can be detrimental to both the employee and the employer. It’s critical to understand burnout and its causes. Equally important is the commitment to burnout recognition and prevention efforts.

organizational psychology remote work podcast

Mastering them should be part of everyone’s goal – be it for business or personal purposes. Feedback can be a valuable tool in many settings. It can serve as a catalyst for change and improvement. However, if we want to reap its benefits, we have to do feedback the right way. Personal boundaries at the workplace can serve as a great prevention tool for avoiding a wide variety of issues.

SAP.iO Foundry New York Kicks Off Web3 in Future of Work Program

Juergen Lindner, Oracle SVP of Global Marketing, discusses the workforce and skills implications of doing business in the cloud and how automation could help advance environmental, social, and governance initiatives. The pandemic has presented many new challenges for companies. As organizations and employees prepare for the next phase – work re-entry – new challenges present themselves. Many employees are unable or unwilling to return to work in the same ways as was the norm before the pandemic. This presents employers with an opportunity to get creative in finding ways to keep their top talent and fill unmanned positions. Tune in to this week’s episode to learn what employers can do to help themselves and their employees not only survive, but also thrive as we move forward. The pandemic continues to bring changes into our lives, both on an individual level and collectively.

organizational psychology remote work podcast

You need to be rating people skill by skill on a consistent rubric. Whereas somebody else from the majority group who made a mistake, it’s just overlooked. And I have been judged remote work podcast more harshly when I made a mistake. And now the third echo is, therefore people don’t give me good assignments. So if you don’t give me good assignments, I ain’t go nowhere fast.

Dexai: Machine learning in the kitchen

At Container Solutions we talk about this idea of Cloud Native being as much about how your organisation works as it is about the technology—containers and so on. Charles Humble talks to Team Topologies co-author Manuel Pais. The multi-faceted nature of self-care can be categorized into aspects of biological, psychological, and spiritual care. Helping virtual teams to be more effective takes more than just good management. A team’s effectiveness depends on many contributing factors. This episode examines some ideas of how to help virtual teams be more effective through not only proper management, but also presence, planning, protocols, and resources.

But if you do place that as your personal goals, what I would say is that, what I would hope and expect from you is that you use all the political capital that you have to do that, and not one bit more. Because if you try to use too much, you’re just going to hurt your career.

What are you thinking about in terms of Team Topologies now?

The amount of thinking that’s going on in terms of organisational design and remote organisational design, I think is really exciting. And I’m grateful to you for joining me this month for this episode of Hacking the Org from the WTF as Cloud Native?